COME TOGETHER – Beatles Event at Steinway Hall

Celebrating 60 years of The Beatles

We recently celebrated a night dedicated to The Beatles. 60 years ago they recorded their first hit at Abbey Road Studios, which included the use of a Steinway Piano.

photo Beatles

Around the same time, Dougie Millings the tailor, created their iconic suits which we also paid tribute to at our COME TOGETHER celebration at Steinway Hall.

photo BeatlesDougie Millings was introduced to the Beatles in 1962 and went on to make the collar-less jackets they wore at the height of Beatlemania as well as their stage suits for the movies ‘Hard Day’s Night’ and ‘Help!’.

In total, he made more than 500 outfits for the band.

Dominic Ferris played Beatles songs throughout the evening and was joined by Martin Milnes to perform a special Beatles medley on the extraordinary Steinway Kravitz Grand.

photo Beatles

photo BeatlesThank you to everyone who joined us for this memorable evening!

Watch the YouTube video here.